Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Reunion is for anyone who attended BCH...

There have been some questions as to whether or not this blog and the reunion over Memorial Day weekend are only for the Class of 1992. It is for anyone who attended BCH at any time. We are relying on each of you to spread the word to friends, siblings, etc. We are hoping for a super turnout with friends from all different classes. Plans are in full swing for a weekend of fun, and we hope you can be there. It won't be the same without YOU!

If you have questions, feel free to email Bob or post a comment to the blog. I'm working on creating an email database. If you'd like to be included in the database, let me know.

ALSO--I would love pictures to add to the blog from other classes. Most of the pictures I have are of those who graduated in 1992. I especially would love pictures of crazy boys, feathered bangs, rolled pants, super cool shoes, and sports shots. Now is your chance to submit pictures of friends who best reflected the 80s and 90s. Your names will be kept confidential, of course, so no one will know what you've done! Ha Ha.

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