Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I remember...

What do you remember about the locker rooms?

Boys' Locker

Boys' ShowerGirls' Locker


Sheila Cuykendall said...

Wow, Nice to see this Blog...brings back lots of memories. I am from the class of 87
20 years...wow.

Wanted to also Rember Mike Borman from our Class, he passed away on May 9th 2002.

Sheila Kohls

Anonymous said...

Lots of memories….
Wishing I had worked out with the “strength shoes” while standing in line for the vertical jump wall.
Do you remember who had the greatest vertical in your class?

I remember franticly rushing to get dressed before football practice in order to get a ride with an upperclassman to the practice field.
Do you remember walking to the practice field?

I remember as an underclassman, loading all the football equipment into cars & trucks before practice. Why did all the water contain handles ALWAYS break off?
Do you remember listening to Mr. Wardian yell “load the truck”?

I recall as an underclassman, coveting the “elite” senior row of lockers.
Do you remember how cool it was to have a locker in that row?

Listening to basketball pre-game, half-time, and post game locker room talks with Mr. Winchell, Mr. Woodard, Mr. Wardian, and Mr. Anderson.
Who was your coach?

Most hilarious locker room memory…
Karl Whitaker making a slip and slide out of the backed up shower

Tonna said...

i remember belching contests with Kim Brugger--the locker room had such great acoustics for it. i remember the cloud of Aqua Net hairspray after our games, in a mad rush to get up and watch the boys. i remember actually being able to play basketball...do any girls play pick-up games anymore??? i seriously want to know! i miss it!!

oh, and Carl, that is disgusting! do you know what that water was full of?? gross!

Anonymous said...

I remember hearing that a certain ex-boyfriend of mine lied about certain things (concerning me) in the boy's locker room. Why is it so important to be such a stud in highschool? Hopefully no one believed him anyway. Can we say things like this on this blog? Oh well , I did!

Anonymous said...

It's been what...15 years? Let it go!

Anonymous said...

I remember the locker room being really dark. Did we ever turn the lights on? Tonna, you are so right about the hairspray! I remember the dense fog of all of us trying to get our bangs to stand up straight.