Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I remember...

We would like everyone to write something they remember about these pictures. To do this, click on "Comments" on the lower right corner of the blog entry. You can post anonymously or sign in and leave your name...or code name...whatever you choose to do.

What do you remember about the weight room and the hallway to the locker rooms?


Anonymous said...

I remember cleaning out the bowling alley so that we could have the weight room. It was all a part of "summer conditioning". I also remember regularly benching upwards of 350 pounds on bench.

Kyle said...

The Weight Room! This is where Trevor and I spent most of our time pushing each other to get stronger so that it would pay off on the field. Too bad it did not work out our Senior Year!

Anonymous said...

Two words - Super Cat. I remember being sick to my stomach for an hour in study hall every day after doing Super Cat during weight lifting period. Oh, the memories... It was all worth it as my vertical increased from 12" to 13".