Friday, May 11, 2007

Unable to Attend the Reunion....

We are starting to hear from some of our classmates who are unable to attend the reunion. That's a bummer! We wish every one could be there. If you are not able to make it, we would still love for you to be represented. Please email Bob a current picture, and we'll get it posted. We'd love it also if you would post a comment about what you're up to these days!

Jeremy and Teriann Knox...Class of '92


Anonymous said...

Those of you who have visited the cite have seen me with my beautiful wife.
I work for Pinkerton Government Services here in Minnesota and Teri works for her brother and sister-in-law as a nanny. We have no children, but we are planning to adopt in the near future. We both attend Grace Life church here in Anoka and have many friends.
I have made Security my life, but have also made writing part of my life. I recently finished a 78-80 page book of Native American Poetry and currently looking for a publisher. I am also getting ready to dive in again and write another book, but this time it won't be poetry.
In recent years I have felt closer to animals, nature and the desire to help take care of what Creator ( God ) has given to us. My poems reflect what I believe and why, but also shows simple things that we can do to take care of what we have been given. It alos shows man's dark side and his greed has fueled his desire for more.

I come giving thanks to Creator ( God ).
I come with a humble heart and spirit.
All of creation opens up
and the mountains are filled with joy.
But woe to those who come
with evil in mind.
For they shall only see what evil see.
They will not have a humbled heart or spirit.
They will seek to destroy.
But praise to the one who opens
his heart and spirit to good.
For his heart will fill with goodness.
The evil will be expelled from him
and his heart and spirit will seek to do good.
If all of man will humble his heart and spirit before his Creator,
He will expel all evil from him and replace it with good.
Anyone who is interested in ready more of my work, sorry, but you will have to wait until it comes out in book form.

Anonymous said...

Jeremy, it's great to hear all you are doing! Congratulations on your marriage and book!

Unknown said...

I am super happy for you and am sorry that I will not be able to see you and meet your wife...sounds like you are living the dream!