Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Unable to Attend the Reunion....

Tracy Davidson Shea '89

This is my family and I now. I have been married for 16 years to Roger Shea II
We have 3 kiddos, Jonathan 14, Jessica 10, and Zach 9. I will not be able to attend the reunion and I am so bummed! I will be visiting family in Omaha in June and already have my trip planned. I have lived Colorado for 16 years. Have fun at the reunion!

Click here to email Tracy Davidson Shea.


Anonymous said...

You look WONDERFUL Tracy! and your family is gorgeous!!!! What part of Colorado are you in???

Sheila Cuykendall said...

Hey Tracy, What a beautiful Fam...


Anonymous said...

I am in Wellington, Colorado. Just about 10miles north of Fort Collins. Very small town living!

weav said...

hello, you have a wonderful family. It is good to see you are well and God has favored you wit a great husband and three sharpe looking boys. May God continue to bless you and your husband.


weav said...

Oh sorry i ment two boys and a beautiful young lady. haha! my bad!

Anonymous said...

Thanks weav. I am assuming this is Shawn Weaver? And yes, we are totally blessed! Are you going to make it to the reunion? And where are you living?

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Winchell and Mrs. Christensen are comin by the pool....can't wait to see all of you!

Anonymous said...

Stop by the dinner, too, if you can! Ms. Nerud (Smagacz) is going to try stop by after OCA's graduation.

Anonymous said...

I would love to hear from those of you that I "used to know"! I am so sad that I am missing the reunion. I love that sort of stuff, even in my old age! When I am in Omaha in June I would love to get together with whoever would want to. Anyway, drop me a line. I have been reminicing a little too much lately and showing my kids my year books. They keep commenting on the big hair! Some of my Senior year stuff was dated May 23, 1989. How de ja vu that that was this very week 18 years ago! Ouch!

joetv said...

No more summer school days... LOL...
Lookin good!!!
Where is our class? I never got a yearbook....

I have some old class of 88 videos...LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, at the last reunion I went to there were about ten of us from the class of 89'. The few people I talked to that didn't come had better things to do. They are happy to leave highschool in the past I guess. What fun is that? There is no harm in walking down memory lane and staying in touch. Hopefully we can have a 20 year reunion in two years. OUCH!
Take care!

joetv said...

thanks for replying back... I havent heard from anyone in our class... havent seen anyone since 1990..

I am always up for fun... Still single with no responsibility.. LOL.. ok God has control...

Memory lane... Gotta love it....

Keep me informed.. will there be another reunion? I didnt even know we had the first one. Time just keeps flying by....

Where is everyone or did I ask that? Coming out to Colorado Springs for Christmas again. Remember Mrs. Stack?? I hang at her place.

Glad you are still kickin...! You blogging anywhere? my site is
I am kinda kickin around some old DeGarmo and Key... LOL

God Bless!