Thursday, May 31, 2007

Who Else Remembers??

Godfather's Pizza (`nuff said)
Twinkies (the football team hated that word)
Flag (5-0) to tackle (0-?) football
"Hangman, Hangman, Slack your rope awhile . . ."
Greased pig chase
Ma Mayo
Surprise CPR exercises
The great "Mrs. Martin Class Walkout"
Captured flies in Bic pens
Many retreats and all-nighters

---Tom Stack '84


joetv said...

I still crave the Godfathers... even here in CT.. I'll drive to NY for some.. It's not the same though but close..

Thanks Tom...

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom:

All of the above except the football references. Were you at the tree when mom Mayo broke her ankle after the greased pig contest? Any sign of a gathering in the future??? Would be great!

Sara Fryer