Monday, June 4, 2007

With all my love...from Jen...and Kim...and Amy...and Michelle...and Heather...and Jodi... Bob was putting all the stuff away from the reunion, and he found his super special orange, tin Sunkist box that still-15 years later- holds his most important belongings including... the very personal love notes from all his former girlfriends. Seriously, does anyone else still have their old love notes? I found one note from me (He must have put the others in the safe deposit box at the bank). In it, I actually wrote, "I love the way you drive." I mean, come on....I can't stand the way he drives!!

Bob says now we need to make a collage box of all his memorabilia. (I sure hope he's kidding.) We'll see. Man...the things he saved. He has everything that any girl ever gave him! He still listens to the homemade tape of 80s and 90s songs (aka "the Jen Borman tape"). How many of you still have a copy of that one? There's even a love note with a hot pink lip imprint on the bottom. "Hope you still remember me. Enclosed is a picture of me." Funny thing is...the picture is missing. I wonder what that means.

Here's a love note from a girl who wrote him in the 8th grade--1987. Her name has been crossed out to protect "the innocent"and also because she'd be super ticked at me if I left it there. The Sarah she mentions isn't me...Bob says it's Sarah McClung.

The best notes in the box are the ones from his Dad. How cool is that? "Son, I love you and am very proud of you. I hope you get to play a lot tonight." (as if Bob Nylin hardly ever played or something).

The Sunkist box is cool. Bob says, "Why did I save this?"...referring to his first voter registration card. Because it's a memory...and some day it will be posted on some blog out there in cyberspace. The Sunkist box is full of treasures...from movie stubs (when it only cost a whoppin' $3.75 to go) to his tickets to the first Amy Grant concert he went to.

Oh...and don't forget the sweet (and very tarnished) "gold" medallion from 8th grade graduation.

We even had a good laugh over his hand-typed, very articulately written expulsion/probation letter. It's all memories...not necessarily all good memories, but memories just the same. At least they're good for a laugh now and then.

Time to put the Sunkist box away in one of the 18 Rubbermaids labeled "Bob's memorabilia." I'm sure in five years, we'll be ready for another good laugh.

With all my love....from Sara


Anonymous said...

Too funny Sara! I have to admit...all of mine went into the trash not too long after graduation 1990.

Anonymous said...

Have to addmit that I missed out on a lot, but I won't for our next reunion.

Anonymous said...

Tears of our Ancestors, come.
Fall on us like rain.
Bring to this land Purity.
Bring life to our people once again.
Let them see the beauty of their culture.
May the animals drink the water from your tears.
May our people dance and give thanks.
For it is with your tears that we remember all that has been taught to us.
P.S. Felt the need to share this with every one. It is a reminder to me about life and much more.

Anonymous said...

Sara--Good quick walk down memory lane. The funny thing us Nylin kids all got those boxes on some road trip we took. I still have mine too down in a box in the basement. I can't remember what it is off the top of my head but I think mine was a Reese Pieces one and it held/holds all my mini-disks (Like I could even use them again) from my super cool word processor I took to college. But I also have a box of memories that I opened the other day--I think I had a "Jen Borman" tape in my box too that I probably stold from Bob. But it was full of tons of little memories like that. It must be in our blood--watch out you know Zach has that tackle box full of stuff and Emily already likes to put things in little purses....

Tonna said...

wow. that was fun. yes, i too have a box like that. what was really fun is this past summer, i read thru a lot of it-not all of it :)- with my now high school daughter. it was so weird to picture her as me. it was funny for her to picture me as her. and, oh the weepy notes between girls of who likes whom, and who doesn't. she now, too, has developed quite a love for the music of my day, for which i am so proud. A top fav' is "You Give Love a Bad Name", though she likes it better by Blake Lewis (AI contestant for those who dont know) than by the god of the 80's, Bon Jovi. She seems so much younger and clueless than i remember myself...hmmm, maybe not now that i think about it. thanks for the memories, Sara!