Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Call to Pray...

This morning Jason Armsbury ('92), husband of Shanna (Blythe) Armsbury ('92) was injured when an iron beam fell on him in a construction accident. He has a head laceration, a fractured thoracic vertebra, and a severely broken leg which will require surgery. He is currently hospitalized at Creighton Medical Center in Omaha, NE. Please remember to pray for him and his family.

Update 9/1/07: Jason had surgery on Thursday night to place the rods and pins which will stabilize his leg more. He is tentatively scheduled for reconstructive surgery at 3PM on Tuesday. Shanna asks that we pray that the swelling decreases so that the surgery can occur. They are hoping he will still be able to come home at the end of the week.

Update 9/9/07: Jason went home last Friday afternoon. Shanna reports that his intense pain is much better, and it is now just "uncomfortable." She asks that we pray he is able to get temporary disability for assistance in paying the upcoming bills. The doctors expect him to be unable to work for up to six months. Despite the uncertainty, Jason's spirits are up. Keep checking the blog for upcoming info about what we can do to help the Armsburys.

Update 9/22/07: We will be having a Sloppy Joes Supper fundraiser at Trinity Church on Friday, October 12th from 6-9pm. More details to follow....

1 comment:

Tonna said...

keep us updated on his progress. we will pray...