Friday, April 27, 2007

With Great Sadness...

Shannon Bishop Marcoe ('91) was killed in a head-on collision near Pilger, NE on Wednesday morning April 25th. She is survived by her 3 children Tyler, Tanner, and Tessa. Please remember her family in prayer during this time.

GRAVESIDE SERVICES Sat 11am, Westlawn Hillcrest Cemetery, 5701 Center St, Omaha. VISITATION Fri 6-8pm at Mortuary. Memorials to the family for the children's education fund. ROEDER MORTUARY Gretna Chapel 11710 Standing Stone Dr. 332-0090

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Their Family Grows

Congratulations to Grant and Anna as they adopt another baby from Ethiopia! Almaze is now almost five months old. She was born on November 28th, 2006. Grant and Anna hope to bring her home this July. Almaze will join big brother Alex who just turned two in February. Grant and Anna have chronicled every moment of their experience with international adoption on their blog. Check it out!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I remember...

What do you remember about the band/choir room?

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Unable to Attend the Reunion....

We are starting to hear from some of our classmates who are unable to attend the reunion. That's a bummer! We wish every one could be there. If you are not able to make it, we would still love for you to be represented. Please email Bob a current picture, and we'll get it posted. We'd love it also if you would post a comment about what you're up to these days!

Jen, Isaiah (4), and Dan

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I remember...

What do you remember about the social hall?

Sunday, April 15, 2007

I remember... by Adam Derry

Wanna know what made me cool? I was one of the first people in our class to get a letterman jacket. The funny part of it was that the only reason I got a Varsity letter was cuz I was the manger of the Varsity football team my freshman year. I didn’t officially earn one till my sophomore year. I still can’t quite figure out why I wanted to carry your guys nasty equipment and get up early on Saturdays. But I did get a letter jacket…way before most of you guys. Except for Trevor, who got his first varsity letter in third grade. Coincidentally, this was the same year he grew his first full beard. He was blessed with TESTOSTERONE.

I remember sitting in Grant Braasch’s car before basketball practice listening to music. He was the first one to get a CD player in his car. We bumped a lot of Vanilla Ice and Marky Mark and the funky bunch. Chicks dug us. Grant was also the first guy I knew who mastered the power of hair gel. It took me a long time to catch up to him in that department. I stuck to a firm regiment of waking up early and blow drying the back of my hair straight. I got the inspiration from a NKOTB video we watched at a Creighton basketball camp. The Donnie Wahlberg. Freakin’ Donnie Wahlberg. Looking back at pictures, I should’ve paid closer attention to The Grant Braasch.

I used to get home about an hour before my sister and parents did back in 8th and 9th grade. I’d run to my sister’s room and take her full length mirror down and put it in front of the TV set and watch Rap City on BET and practice my dance moves. I’m not talking basic dance movements. I’m talking full on dancing till my clothes were soaked with sweat and the carpet would get worn down. I’d even sneak in some dancing down in the locker room at school when no one was around. Sometimes, on very special occasions, I’d dance in the weight room. (Perfect mirrors.) One time, Sterling Gatewood invited me to go to a dance club with him. It was the first time I ever went to a club and the first time I took my skills public. Come to find out, clubs are just bigger and louder versions of my old living room. I needed about an 8 feet area to really get busy, but, let me tell you, I got busy. And, yes, those moves were hot.

There was something that happened the summer of 1988. I remember Joy Favara and Christina Ashford leaving school at the end of eighth grade looking kinda like versions of Adrian from Rocky. Quiet, studious. Then two months later they rolled into ninth grade like a couple of foxes. That was the OLD SCHOOL extreme makeover. It took awhile for all of us guys to realize what had happened. But it happened. Boy, did it happen.

David Klein and I used to dodge trains out behind his housing development. We’d wait on the tracks till it got too close and then we’d jump out of the way. We wouldn’t know each other’s outcome till all of the train cars passed. It was crazy. Oh, yeah. That was the night we bought a bunch of hairspray and sprayed our arms and stuff and lit them on fire. It’d burn really cool and then we’d roll around and put the fire out. That was kinda weird now that I think of it. Those tracks don’t even exist anymore. It’s a bunch of houses now. I think they call it Papillion.

I remember…

I remember being introduced to the politically charged rap group PUBLIC ENEMY through Andy Rinaldi. “It Takes A Nation of Millions To Hold Us Back”. It was Andy who pointed out to me the beauty of the “here and now” of rap music. An element that didn’t really exist in any other style of music. Andy changed my life when it comes to music. Fast forward to our senior year and he and I used to rock matching flannel jackets and bump Ice Cube, 2Pac and Public Enemy till we felt the POWER. We were so gangsta. Well, kind of a Nordic / ski instructor kinda gangsta. But gangsta nonetheless.

My sister and I used to clean the BCH gym after home basketball games. It was pretty humbling going from starting guard to mop duty in a matter of an hour or so. But it was cool. I think we got like 10 bucks or so when we did it. Well, after my dad’s cut, I think we settled for feeling good about cleaning our own gym. It wasn’t about the money, right?

Bob Nylin and I used to really push the limits. Especially when we took photography. We took all sorts of pictures in graveyards until our film and prints got confiscated and Mr. Coen had them destroyed. Wanna know what’s cool? Mr. Haley snuck a bunch of that stuff out and gave it to me when I was a little older. It’s mostly Bob with his shirt off lying by tombstones or me doing some weird pose like I was dead or something. It was pretty avant-garde stuff. I don’t think BCH was really keen on avant-garde. Come to think of it, I don’t think Bob was either. But, dang, he was a good sport.

One time, Molly Hovanec sprayed me with mace. It’s not what you think. She did it by accident in the darkroom one day. I kind of did a Matrix style slow-mo move and avoided the main stream, but it got me. Oh, yeah. It got me. Amazingly, that was the only time I ever got sprayed with mace. I forgave her a week or two later.

One time before a basketball game I wrote AD Take None on my underwear with a magic marker and you could see it through our white home shorts. I thought it was funny. (And by “funny”, I mean, I thought I was so freakin’ cool.) Then Trevor’s mom took it to a whole new level and made me custom embroidery ones that were sewn in red so they showed through my shorts at all home games. Those got banned by Mr. Coen too. I thought I was so cool with my blue Nike shoes and custom see through shorts. Come to think of it, Trevor, how did your mom get a hold of my underwear? That might be the craziest part of the story.

And while I’m at it, I miss walkathons.

And pep rallies.

And bomb threats (It wasn’t me, I promise).

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Isn't He Handsome...

Congratulations to Jennifer and Tony! Zachary Taylor arrived on Thursday, March 29th at 11:28 AM. He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce and was 20 and 3/4 inches long.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I remember...

Every Tuesday from now until the reunion, we will be posting a BCH/CCH picture. We would like everyone to write something they remember about what is in the picture. To do this, click on "Comments" on the lower right corner of the blog entry. You can post anonymously or sign in and leave your name...or code name...whatever you choose to do. Here is our first picture.
What do you remember about the gym?

Sunday, April 8, 2007

You Know You Were a Little Boy in the 70s if...

You had a pair of moon boots.

You begged Santa for the electronic game Simon.

You had Star Wars and/or GI Joe action figures.

You made Shrinky Dinks.

You couldn’t wait to get the free animal poster when you ordered books from the Weekly Reader club.

You used to tape record songs off the radio by holding your portable tape player up to the speaker.

You can still perform the dance moves for the entire "Thriller" music video.

You had a Big Wheel with a brake on the side.

"Members Only" jackets...say no more.

A predominant color in your childhood photos is "plaid".

Chevy Chase was really funny in those vacation movies.

In your sophomore class picture, you're wearing a shirt with the collar "up".

It was a major accomplishment to get to the "Chase" scene in Ms. Pacman.

If your family had a rotary phone.

Schoolhouse Rock played a HUGE part in how you learned things like grammar, math and history. (A big hint here is if the only way you can recite the Preamble to the Constitution is by singing it.)

You can remember the words to the theme song of "The Greatest American Hero." ("BELIEVE IT OR NOT, I'M WALKIN' ON AIR... I NEVER THOUGHT I COULD FEEL SO FREE-EE-EE...")

This rings a bell: "My name is Charlie, and they work for me."!

You ever wanted to learn to play "Stairway to Heaven" on the guitar and choreographed "Dancing Queen" by yourself in your room.

You know, by heart, the words to Weird Al Yankovic's songs.

You learned to swim at about the same time "Jaws" came out... and still carry the emotional scars to prove it.

You owned a Jordache anything or you remember when Jordache jeans were cool.

You remember "Friday Night Videos" before the days of MTV.

You remember having to get off the couch to change the TV channel.

You remember wanting to stay up to see Mr. Bill on Saturday Night Live.

You remember when film critics were certain that no movie could ever possibly get better special effects than those in the movie TRON.

You remember when there was only "G", "PG", and "R".

You tuned in regularly to the adventures of the Bionic Man and Woman, Wonder Woman, and/or the Incredible Hulk.

Your first musical purchase was an 8-track tape.

Your parents paid $2,000 for a top-loading VCR that was almost the size of a coffee table.

You've ever owned a pair of rainbow suspenders like the ones Mork used to wear.

You've recently horrified yourself by using any one of the following phrases: "You know, back when...," "When I was your age...," or "When I was younger..."

Friday, April 6, 2007

MISSING--Class of 1991

Let Bob know if you know where any of these people are...

Jen Carstens
Swelha Davis
Fred Dixon
Mike Moran
Ray Morlan
Brian Reck
Keri Williams
Christian Gebhards Butler
Dave Rule
Ryan Miller

MISSING--Class of 1992

Let Bob know if you know where any of these people are...

Amy Anderson
Kayla Mask
Lisa Hockenberry Gerstein
Nathan Popp
Chris Winkelmann

MISSING--Class of 1990

Let Bob know if you know where any of these people are...

Stephanie Marr
Ginger Popp Moriya
Todd Thompson
Kevin Thorpe
Tracy Bridgewater
Cathy Glover
Toby Ball
Daniel Lang
Lisa Frye

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Procrastinators Unite!!

We are dropping the late fee for those of you who have not yet registered. It is our hope that word about the reunion is still spreading. There may even be people who have not yet heard about the reunion plans. The $30 registration fee will stay at $30 until May 12th. Lo Sole Mio's requires payment and final menu on May 12th (two weeks before the reunion). IT WILL BE DIFFICULT, IF NOT IMPOSSIBLE, TO REGISTER AFTER THIS DATE so please keep that in mind.

Thank you to those who were on the ball about registering early! We appreciate it!