Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I remember...

What do you remember about the band/choir room?


Anonymous said...

I remember during the summer clearing the bowling alley to make it the Choir/Band room and weight room! How many wheel barrow's full of junk did we haul out of there in a summer...and all for "conditioning" for football!

Anonymous said...

I remember wishing we could keep the bowling alley. We could have been the only high school with a cool bowling team.

I have to say that I will never, EVER forget David Klein. He was 1st trumpet for a long time, and I had to sit next to him in band. He used to empty his spit valve all over me every other measure; it was disgusting! AND I'm sure he spent more time flopping his flop out of his eyes in order to read the music more than he actually ever played. Thanks for the memories, Dave.

I also remember being super jealous that Mary Hunter got to play the cool timpani drums.

Now...does anyone else remember "Yesterday" and the controversial Beatles?

In hindsight, band was really fun...

ACSI...World's of Fun...bus trips...OH--and the cool, blue cumberbunds!

Shanna said...

I remember the cool blue dresses(YUCK!!!!) Who's idea was it to wear those anway? Grace competion practice, Elijah, And Live it the MAX!!! FUN FUN FUN! I often wonder if my children will ever have as much fun in music and choir as we did... I'm not thinking so! But, I am thankful for the expierence, and the memories.

Anonymous said...

I had my first kiss behind that drywall on the second to last day of 8th grade.

Anonymous said...

I remember singing 1st soprano and wanting to sing alto. Mrs. Funk put me next to Dawnie Wilson and all she would do is roll her eyes at me because I could not get the alto parts! To this day I still can't sing alto!

Anonymous said...

I remember it as the gym.