Thursday, April 19, 2007

Unable to Attend the Reunion....

We are starting to hear from some of our classmates who are unable to attend the reunion. That's a bummer! We wish every one could be there. If you are not able to make it, we would still love for you to be represented. Please email Bob a current picture, and we'll get it posted. We'd love it also if you would post a comment about what you're up to these days!

Jen, Isaiah (4), and Dan


PD said...

Well, this is a couple pictures of the Lewiston's...Dan, Jen and our wonderful little guy Isaiah.

We are in Memphis, TN. - pastoring in a church that is more than 100 years old. We serve as the Student Ministries Pastors and also the Chaplin for the Secondary (7th - 12th) First Assembly Christian School. Our mascot is the Crusaders, colors green and gold.

Jen and I have been married now for 10 1/2 years. Isaiah is 4 1/2, loves the Cornhuskers, New York Yankees, and Soccer (not sure how he picked that one!)

Jen and I have been in full time Youth Ministry since 1998, pastoring in NE, FL, IL, and now TN...It has been a wild ride, but full of excitement and memories. Jen is going back to school to become a Licensed minister, as I am working on my Ordination. Our dream is Pastor a church where religion is not the focus, but relationship and creativity cover every thing that we do as a church!

Well that is it in a nut shell. Bob, thanks for doing this blog, it has been a blast to go down memory lane! Tony, sorry for laughing at you in the back of my truck!

Shanna said...

Glad to see you're doing well in TN.

Unknown said...

Hey Shanna, I am so glad you posted on here. I have been wanting to see how you are doing!! My email address is I would love it if we could get back in touch. I would love to know how you are doing!! Hope to hear from you soon!!