Friday, September 28, 2007

SLOPPY JOE SUPPER for the Armsburys--Friday, October 12th

As many of you know, Jason Armsbury was in a construction accident on August 29th. Jason owns his own business and is contracted by many Omaha builders to build fabulous decks for new homes. As a self-employed contractor without health insurance, the financial burden on the Armsburys is great. He not only has medical bills from his hospitalization and surgeries, but the doctors have explained that it could be six months before he is able to return to work. The purpose of this fundraiser is to help support Jason, who is the breadwinner, while he is unable to work. Jason has a wife (Shanna) and four children.

Sloppy Joe Supper/Auction
Friday, October 12th, 2007
Trinity Church Fellowship Hall
156th and Dodge
Adults $5, Children Free

For more information, you can email Bob.
Click here to download Jason's Flyer.

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