Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Fundraiser was a HUGE Success!

Thank you to everyone who helped make the Sloppy Joe Supper and Auction such a success. We are pretty sure there were over 300 people there! We raised $8700 that night for the Armsburys!

We especially want to thank Aaron and Michelle Hall, Hy-Vee, and BIG Meats for providing the food. Thank you also to Paul Burkholder, Geri Anderson, Ruth Denzler, Ed and Deb Novotny, the entire Armsbury family, and Bee and Brian Dentler and their daughters. Lastly, thank you to those who donated items for the auction. We couldn't have raised so much money without your generosity.

On Monday the 29th, Jason had the rods and pins removed from his leg. He will still wear an AFO (ankle-foot orthosis) on his foot, but the EXO-skeletal knee brace is gone! Jason will soon begin physical therapy to regain as much movement as possible. Keep praying for miraculous healing in his leg including nerve regeneration to his foot. Jason also has an EMG/NCS test set up for Nov 5th and a MRI set up Nov 13th.

To view more pictures from the fundraiser, click on the following link.... http://jasonsfundraiser.shutterfly.com/

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