Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Fundraiser was a HUGE Success!

Thank you to everyone who helped make the Sloppy Joe Supper and Auction such a success. We are pretty sure there were over 300 people there! We raised $8700 that night for the Armsburys!

We especially want to thank Aaron and Michelle Hall, Hy-Vee, and BIG Meats for providing the food. Thank you also to Paul Burkholder, Geri Anderson, Ruth Denzler, Ed and Deb Novotny, the entire Armsbury family, and Bee and Brian Dentler and their daughters. Lastly, thank you to those who donated items for the auction. We couldn't have raised so much money without your generosity.

On Monday the 29th, Jason had the rods and pins removed from his leg. He will still wear an AFO (ankle-foot orthosis) on his foot, but the EXO-skeletal knee brace is gone! Jason will soon begin physical therapy to regain as much movement as possible. Keep praying for miraculous healing in his leg including nerve regeneration to his foot. Jason also has an EMG/NCS test set up for Nov 5th and a MRI set up Nov 13th.

To view more pictures from the fundraiser, click on the following link.... http://jasonsfundraiser.shutterfly.com/

Friday, September 28, 2007

SLOPPY JOE SUPPER for the Armsburys--Friday, October 12th

As many of you know, Jason Armsbury was in a construction accident on August 29th. Jason owns his own business and is contracted by many Omaha builders to build fabulous decks for new homes. As a self-employed contractor without health insurance, the financial burden on the Armsburys is great. He not only has medical bills from his hospitalization and surgeries, but the doctors have explained that it could be six months before he is able to return to work. The purpose of this fundraiser is to help support Jason, who is the breadwinner, while he is unable to work. Jason has a wife (Shanna) and four children.

Sloppy Joe Supper/Auction
Friday, October 12th, 2007
Trinity Church Fellowship Hall
156th and Dodge
Adults $5, Children Free

For more information, you can email Bob.
Click here to download Jason's Flyer.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Congratulations, Rinaldis!

Congratulations to Andrew Rinaldi (Class of '92) and his wife Annette. They have added a little boy to their family. John Aaron Rinaldi was born on September 9th at 10:39am. He weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces and was 20 inches long.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Ken and Erin Jensen

Ken and Erin Jensen
Jaden, Jett, and Ava

On August 7th, 2007, Ken Jensen (former BCA student and brother of Julie (Jensen) Ostrand '92 ) moved with his family to Kabul, Afghanistan to serve the Afghan people. He is teaching secondary science at The International School of Kabul.

To read more about their adventures and experiences check out their website. http://www.erinandken.com/index.asp

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Call to Pray...

This morning Jason Armsbury ('92), husband of Shanna (Blythe) Armsbury ('92) was injured when an iron beam fell on him in a construction accident. He has a head laceration, a fractured thoracic vertebra, and a severely broken leg which will require surgery. He is currently hospitalized at Creighton Medical Center in Omaha, NE. Please remember to pray for him and his family.

Update 9/1/07: Jason had surgery on Thursday night to place the rods and pins which will stabilize his leg more. He is tentatively scheduled for reconstructive surgery at 3PM on Tuesday. Shanna asks that we pray that the swelling decreases so that the surgery can occur. They are hoping he will still be able to come home at the end of the week.

Update 9/9/07: Jason went home last Friday afternoon. Shanna reports that his intense pain is much better, and it is now just "uncomfortable." She asks that we pray he is able to get temporary disability for assistance in paying the upcoming bills. The doctors expect him to be unable to work for up to six months. Despite the uncertainty, Jason's spirits are up. Keep checking the blog for upcoming info about what we can do to help the Armsburys.

Update 9/22/07: We will be having a Sloppy Joes Supper fundraiser at Trinity Church on Friday, October 12th from 6-9pm. More details to follow....

Monday, August 27, 2007

More from '84

From left to right: Eileen Delahanty, Kay Larson, Dana Waugh, Mary Villella, and Susie Bolin

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Class of '92 Eighties Party...May 25th, 2007

Jason and Shanna (Blythe) Armsbury

Joy (Favara) Schulz, Joanna (Bingel) McAleer, and Julie (Jensen) Ostrand

Chad Reznicek, Tony Farrington, and Bob Nylin

Saturday, June 9, 2007

The Amazing Arthur....

Did she say "Ace of Spades" or "Ace of Hearts"??

Tell me...What do you see?

I see a Joker....

True or False...

I had more fun reading old yearbooks rather than watching the Amazing Arthur.

Monday, June 4, 2007

With all my love...from Jen...and Kim...and Amy...and Michelle...and Heather...and Jodi...

Okay...so Bob was putting all the stuff away from the reunion, and he found his super special orange, tin Sunkist box that still-15 years later- holds his most important belongings including... the very personal love notes from all his former girlfriends. Seriously, does anyone else still have their old love notes? I found one note from me (He must have put the others in the safe deposit box at the bank). In it, I actually wrote, "I love the way you drive." I mean, come on....I can't stand the way he drives!!

Bob says now we need to make a collage box of all his memorabilia. (I sure hope he's kidding.) We'll see. Man...the things he saved. He has everything that any girl ever gave him! He still listens to the homemade tape of 80s and 90s songs (aka "the Jen Borman tape"). How many of you still have a copy of that one? There's even a love note with a hot pink lip imprint on the bottom. "Hope you still remember me. Enclosed is a picture of me." Funny thing is...the picture is missing. I wonder what that means.

Here's a love note from a girl who wrote him in the 8th grade--1987. Her name has been crossed out to protect "the innocent"and also because she'd be super ticked at me if I left it there. The Sarah she mentions isn't me...Bob says it's Sarah McClung.

The best notes in the box are the ones from his Dad. How cool is that? "Son, I love you and am very proud of you. I hope you get to play a lot tonight." (as if Bob Nylin hardly ever played or something).

The Sunkist box is cool. Bob says, "Why did I save this?"...referring to his first voter registration card. Because it's a memory...and some day it will be posted on some blog out there in cyberspace. The Sunkist box is full of treasures...from movie stubs (when it only cost a whoppin' $3.75 to go) to his tickets to the first Amy Grant concert he went to.

Oh...and don't forget the sweet (and very tarnished) "gold" medallion from 8th grade graduation.

We even had a good laugh over his hand-typed, very articulately written expulsion/probation letter. It's all memories...not necessarily all good memories, but memories just the same. At least they're good for a laugh now and then.

Time to put the Sunkist box away in one of the 18 Rubbermaids labeled "Bob's memorabilia." I'm sure in five years, we'll be ready for another good laugh.

With all my love....from Sara

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Who Else Remembers??

Godfather's Pizza (`nuff said)
Twinkies (the football team hated that word)
Flag (5-0) to tackle (0-?) football
"Hangman, Hangman, Slack your rope awhile . . ."
Greased pig chase
Ma Mayo
Surprise CPR exercises
The great "Mrs. Martin Class Walkout"
Captured flies in Bic pens
Many retreats and all-nighters

---Tom Stack '84

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

BCH Reunion--May 26th, 2007

Class of '95

Class of '94

Class of '93

Class of '92

Class of '91

Class of '90

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Thursday, May 24, 2007

BCH Reunion 2003--'86,'87,'88, '89

Class of 1987

Troy, Angela, and their girls

Linda and Troy Kohls

Jim Stack and Michelle

Shawn Weaver

Michelle, Nicole, Sheila '87

Sarah and Kinta

Kerri Munson and Ms. Green

Brian and Troy Kohls