Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I remember...

Every Tuesday from now until the reunion, we will be posting a BCH/CCH picture. We would like everyone to write something they remember about what is in the picture. To do this, click on "Comments" on the lower right corner of the blog entry. You can post anonymously or sign in and leave your name...or code name...whatever you choose to do. Here is our first picture.
What do you remember about the gym?


Unknown said...

I remember Coach Woodard telling me that it might not be a good idea that I play high school basketball...I might hurt the other guys. He may have judged me on my 8th grade season. My basketball career went down hill from there.

Tonna said...

i remember that my dad painted the words on the walls (like what you see in the pic)though some have changed and been added since. i remember school musicals, variety shows, and the infamous "RIOT" playing on stage. i remember coming in so late to the boys' games cuz it took so long to get our hair done just right after our games. i dont remember cleaning the gym, probably cuz like Adam said, it was quite humbling. But then again, i dont remember a whole lot these days.

Anonymous said...

I remember going to our "danceless" homecomings in that gym, putting on our Ethics Plays our senior year, and also practicing for the "Live it to the Max" and "New Connection" choir productions.

Anonymous said...

I remember falling on my face in front of the whole school during a pep rally because my foot got caught in Joanna Bingel's cheerleading skirt (since those skirts went down to our knees, of course). I never thought I would live that down. Now it's kindof funny...

Anonymous said...

I have so many memories of the gym. Mostly they involve cold mornings of cheerleading practice or attempts at a volleyball game. I'll never forget graduation and having the feeling of wanting to move on but wanting to hold on to the many great memories of school and friends. The gym is the one room that personifies the whole school for me.

Matt said...

The good old gym.. To many memories, I would say my best memories would have to be getting ready for the all important ethics plays.."My gay dad's" now thats funny. Wow, Denise I forgot about ooowwwww!!! WMAX... The worst memory is having to come in the summer after graduation and buff the huge back-drop foot Miller and I carved into the middle of the floor on accident.

Anonymous said...

I remember....

- climbing on the pull-up bar next to the emergency exit.
- playing dodge ball with Mr. Winchell in junior high
- watching BCH staff play the Husker football team in B-ball
-running sets of six ...and screaming "push it, Lewiston!"
-setting up the white “PVC” art show displays with Mrs. Ruff
-being amazed with Grant, JD, and Andy dunking a tennis ball
-hanging from the net and Mr. Anderson yelling at me
-wondering if the “Coach” was ever going to let me play????
-enjoying Sara wearing my football jersey during pep rallies
-eating snack bar nachos
-laying plastic on the gym floor and setting out 10 million chairs
-laughing at the cheerleader chants about BCH being unstoppable
-playing in early morning volleyball league
-sweating in my letterman jacket during pep rallies
-loving the newly re-polished hardwood basketball court
-acting in the Rocky skit with Tony, Chad, and Mr Coen
-watching the “hilarious” strength shoe workouts
-performing in the “Elijah” musical

PD said...

Bob, watch it! I seem to remember beating everybody during a certain practice, and being able to leave early because the rest of you guys sluffed!


My favorite memormy was when Tonna asid at a Pep Rally that the school should come watch the girls, because they had a better record than the guys! Tonna, that was awesome!

The other memory I love to cherish...90-91, I was the Basketball Manager (No Sr. on the team), we scrimmaged on a Sat morning, I was on the scaffolding video taping the scrimmage. Scrimmage over, I am coming down the scaffolding...dropped a brand new used only once video camera. Learned a word that day for Coach! Ah Memories!

Anonymous said...

Dan, you're funny! I remember you leaving practice early and breaking the camera too :) I always had fun riding home after practices in your white "monster" pickup truck.

Unknown said...

I remember practicing a shoulder stand with Julie for what seemed like hours before a pep rally, and then... we never did the stupid stunt. I think my shoulders were red for days!

Anonymous said...

I remember all those "formals" we had in the gym in which we had to use plastic utensils. I remember one homecoming or something in which some crazy boy was lighting things on fire with the table candles. Neither Bob nor Tony remember lighting things on fire, so who was it?
I also remember painting sets with my mom for the shows, singing "Friends are Friends Forever" with the other girls to say good-bye to Miss D, the horrible plastic chairs we sat in for graduations and musicals, and the same great feeling you got when you came back to the gym years after graduating.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure it was Tony!

Tonna said...

i love reading all of your memories. i have seriously lost so many of them, but they come back as i read. Dan, i do remember us having some pretty memorable games that were way better than the boys' games. But, now when i watch women's bball, i ask myself, "were we really this slow and boring?" to which i must answer an undoubtedly confident "EVEN WORSE!!" But, then, we sure thought we were something to behold! And, Sara, i agree. I miss those times all over again when i enter that gym. i dream those hallways a lot, actually.

Anonymous said...

I remember High Tops. Man - that was cool. I wanna be in the band!

Anonymous said...

Hi, guys! Just found out about this blog, and have a serious flood of memories I thought were long forgotten. So fun! I'm with you, Tonna. Did I REALLY think I could play basketball? I know I was all about it, but I've watched a video (maybe once) and hoped my parents lost all the ones they taped. I do remember, however, "GET it to Tonna! Get it to Tonna!" You could shoot that 3, I remember that!
Another memory from the gym is "Live It To the MAXX!" What a production. Now falling off my chair laughing.
- Heather Morrow (Tudor)

Sam said...

- I remember Joanna Bingle's dad yelling "Let's go Beelllleevvue!" at every basketball game.

- I remember the dreaded "strength shoes". (While I'm at it, I remember that stupid "Super Cat Machine"! We all would get sick after doing that thing!)

- I remember climbing the net to "pop the rim"!

- I remember those games of "mob twenty-one".

- I remember Ms. Greenwood saying at the beginning of Math class "Let's go to the gym!"

- I remember during an 8th grade basketball game one of the refs back peddling down the court, tripped and cracked his head open on the wall.

- I remember Woodard saying at the end of every basketball pratice "Get on the line!".....and then I remember running and running and running....and then running some more. It felt like those scenes in all the great sports movies where the team gets broken down by the coach....you know, then they turn things around and win. You get goosebumps watching it, but I'll tell you - you don't get goosebumps when it's you running!

- And last but not least........