Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I remember...

What do you remember about the social hall?


Anonymous said...

I remember Julie Jensen making homemade nachos in the microwave for lunch everyday...for YEARS. I remember girls running around trying to make sure they were sitting at Trevor's table. I remember visiting the school after I got married and showing my husband our "cafeteria." He asked where the "real food" was. That's when I realized our school was maybe not like other schools...

Anonymous said...

I remember every day standing in line and waiting for those those awful vending machines (why I didn't pack my lunch I will never know!!). I remember Kim Niebling warming up tortillas with Kraft singles in the microwave on a very regular basis!
I remember performing our Singers Christmas musical my senior year in front of the whole school and singing a one sentence solo for the first time (sorry to those of you that still remember:)I remember going to chapel and how all the teachers used to stand in the back of the room with their arms crossed.

PD said...

I remember sprinting the Social Hall running from Coach Wardian shooting nails at us from shop class with his Air Compressor.

I remember during basketball having to do Aerobics, thinking that we were in shape until then - then the humility of the ladies laughing at us.

I remember painting the Social Hall during the summer with Adam in the Summer of 1990, how we hated the painting projects!

I remember sitting in countless hours of chapels hearing the same "Get Right" message, now I work at a Church with a K-12 school, and think to myself that the majority of the students need to "Get Right".

Tony said...

I remember our freshmen year sitting in the social hall every day at lunch in a corner with just Bob and Adam. Apparently we had a reputation for poking fun at people from time to time. One day at lunch we were innocently laughing as usual and I must have glanced over in "Senior" Mark Jutila's direction. He immediately marched over to our humble corner and pointed at me and said if I ever made fun of him at lunch again he would beat me to obliteration! I sat there pale and stunned as Bob and Adam snickered uncontrolably. I then told them to knock it off.... otherwise he is going to come back over here! They never let me here the end of that one. By the way Mark if you are reading this I never did say anything in the first place... but no hard feelings :)

Also in that same year, must have been 89-90 do you remember hearing these words every day at lunch?? "Wanna buy a Pop?"....... it was Steve Reed undercutting the vending machines by a nickel selling cans of pop out of a cooler.

I know this doesnt have to do with the Social hall but I saw Bob's post earlier about Dan Lewistons white truck. One time Dan was taking Adam, Bob, and I home from school. Dan told us that there was a certain hill near Offutt Air Force Base that he could go down and get his little white toyota to break 100mph if the wind was just right. We wanted him to prove it. If this wasn't stupid enough Bob or Adam... (I know it wasn't me) suggested we stand up and surf in the back of his truck while Dan is trying to break 100mph going down the hill. Well, as Dan was flying down the hill he must have hit a major dip.... we all went air born and luckily smashed into the back tailgate. I can't believe we all survived and I can't believe Dan didnt seem the least bit concerned as he was laughing hysterically at the incident.

Tonna said...

i remember Mr. Whitlock in chapel. i remember feeling like the teachers were just watching for us to do something wrong, and thinking if i hold my hands up in worship, they will believe me that i really am serious. i remember wall sits. i remember Ms. D's going away party. i remember wishing my parents would let us "buy" our lunch more often--like the vending machine had steak or something. i remember Bob, Adam, and Tony. i remember Sam, Jason, Kyle, Kent, Dan--that whole group-- entertaining everyone in the room. Lastly, i remember Beau Jae Luithle. He often invades my thoughts for no apparent reason. I wonder what his life would have become.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember most of what all of you remember because I hated high school because the majority of all of you were SO MEAN to me ALL THE TIME! I wanted to DIE in high school. I find it ironic that those posting to this board are also those that were most popular, the most clique-y, and had the least regard for people in your classes that were feeling left out or hurt! You know what I remember about the social hall --- wanting so badly to sit with one of your groups and being shunned!

Matt said...

Lets see, I too remember those wonderfull chapels with all the teachers on the wall waiting to pounce on those who didn't participate. I remember those long talks after chapel about not participating..Oh the memories of a religious school..Those lovely food fights we used to get into. I remember going to the social hall every two hours with my huge bag of food and always, for four years having to explain to at least four people, teachers included, why I was out of class and why I got to eat.. I remember Steve Reid always selling some "dicounted item". Speaking of Beau Jae, I remember giving Justin Peterson a "questionable beverage" that reacted with his med's that caused him to freak out in English class. Oh poor Mrs Schuler...I remember, mechanics class in that dungen room and hated smelling like gas for the rest of the day...

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

You're right! At times in my youth, I was malicious when I laughed at other students, talked down to people not in "my circle", stole student belongings, and started rumors just for fun.

Here's the good news. Jesus changed the heart of my youth and today has flooded my heart with patience, kindness, love, and self-control.

I encourage you to come to the reunion and see for yourself how Jesus can change hearts.

Anonymous said...

It is funny what you remember looking back. I'll never forget coming to lunch with a frozen burrito, heading over to the microwave and seeing about 50 burritos jammed in there. Then having to wait about 10 minutes until it was warm, which left a couple minutes to eat it (and no it wasn't worth it). I also remember playing a game in the social hall where a ball was thrown against a wall and if you got hit you had to run to the wall before another person threw the ball at the wall. I was running to the wall and Dave Klein tripped me (I am sure it was accidental Dave!!). Ever since then I have had this "clicking" in my knee - which I was told would go away in a couple weeks. Oh well, no hard feelings!

Anonymous said...

What I remember most about the social hall at lunch is sitting on the floor in huge circles of girls from my class. Why in dresses in choose to sit on the floor and eat lunch is beyond me. Perhaps my memory is faded and we did sit at tables too, but I can't remember that. I do remember as junior and senior one of my daily goals was to get out of the social hall and eat anywhere else in the building--the yearbook room, Miss D's room anywhere else I could find. I also remember the microwaves jammed packed with food and so digusting. The smell of burnt food and burnt cheese still brings me back to those microwaves. I remember the chapels. When we first came to BCH our church had not moved into the praise and worship era yet somy freshman year I remember thinking why did we sing the same song over and over and over again in a row. Yet now I look back at those praise and worship times fondly, and those songs will be forever frozen in time for me.

Tonna said...

Bob, you are so right. I was a totally different person then, too, Anonymous. Though i attended Christian school and i think, deep down, wanted to do the right thing and love God with all my heart, i was more influenced by what i could see and feel. i just wanted to fit in and be liked. i didn't treat others the way they deserved, nor did i honor Jesus the way He deserved. i regret those days, but know that i cant stay there. God has already forgiven me for the choices i made then, and, as Bob said, genuinely changed my heart. I, too, hope that you, Anonymous, and any others who feel those same pains, will come and hopefully experience the love of Jesus that now flows in many of us. I can not speak for anyone else, just for me. I am sorry if i made you feel any less of a person. I am sorry if i ever said anything to you that was hurtful. Please know that i still say and do the wrong thing all the time (ask my kids) but my heart has changed. My motivation for living and having relationship with others is different. I hope you can find forgiveness in your heart, Anonymous, for those of us who have asked but more so for those who may never recognize the need for it. That is the only way that you too will find freedom and true joy...letting go of those pains and letting Jesus fill those places that were hurt. I pray you hear the heart behind these words and that we will see you at the reunion next month.

PD said...
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PD said...

Dear Anonymous,

WOW! You know I was never in the in crowd, I always felt that I had to prove something to someone just to be accepted. I was the guy that came from the military family that had to work at the school in the summer just to attend in the fall.

I know how you felt and probably some what still feel as you read and look at some of these blogs.

I want you to know that there are a lot of us who did things, said things, and thought things simply to fit in. We thought that we were cool and never dreamed of the immaturity that we gave off. Can I say to you that we are sorry for the hurt that we caused.

Tonna and Bob are so right, if we had it all to do again - please know that we would do it differently. I work in a Christian School now, the students that feel what you felt are still there, some 15 years after you and I graduated. I want you to know that in our Chapel tomorrow, I am dedicating it to you. My prayer tomoorrow is that the students that live in the night mare that you lived in, will have a desire to set the pace instead of feel like they are at that back of the race!

As you read this, please know that Rom. 8 talks of a love that only the Creator in heaven could have for His creation...HE LOVES YOU! I pray that you will have a new sense of peace and that God would use in a new way to help the hurting, bring life to the dieing, and bring hope to the lost!

I would love to correspond with you if you so would choose... dlewiston@famemphis.net

Thank you for your honesty and the eye opener to how some feel as life continues to fly by...

Sam said...

The good old "social hall"! I remember Jon Henry jamming counterfeit dollar bills into the change machine. At first I thought "Man, that is a great idea!" until the FBI showed up.

I also remember eating those round frozen pizzas every single day. Remember they would come out of that vending machine that went around in a circle. Waiting for the microwaves....trying to remember which pizza was yours.

I remember that part of Mr.Wardian's Shop class that was behind the one end of the social hall where we worked on small engines. Small Engines class! All I can say is Scott Flaming was in my class! The entire project for the class was to take a small engine apart and put it back together. Scott had his done the first day...the second day he did mine.

I also remember the day Mr.Wardian cut his thumb wide open on the table saw during Shop class. I remember he just grabbed his thumb and yelled "Clean up men!" Chris Veith proceeded to throw up all over the place.

Anonymous said...

This message is for Tonna or anyone else who remembers Beau Jae Luithle. He was a good friend of mine, except I attended school with him his senior year in Colorado. I would love to hear and share any stories you guys have of him. I think of him often and also wonder what his life would have become. The world suffers a loss with his absence.