Thursday, April 26, 2007

Their Family Grows

Congratulations to Grant and Anna as they adopt another baby from Ethiopia! Almaze is now almost five months old. She was born on November 28th, 2006. Grant and Anna hope to bring her home this July. Almaze will join big brother Alex who just turned two in February. Grant and Anna have chronicled every moment of their experience with international adoption on their blog. Check it out!


Anonymous said...

Oh my word...what GORGEOUS kids...your blog is so wonderful, and although I don't know you (I was a couple of years ahead of you in school.) I so enjoy reading your adoption experiences and seeing pictures of your beautiful kids. Thanks so much for posting it. Please let me know how I can contact you, I'd like to donate some items for the children's home that you listed on your blog.

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful! I have enjoyed reading your journey through your blog. Congratulations on your new addition.

Grant and Anna said...

Dear Anon -
thank for your willingness to donate gifts to Compassion Intl! We will be at the reunion in May so if you are there you can give them to us then. If you aren't, you can email us ( and we will give you our mailing address. We are in Minneapolis.
Thanks! - Anna (and Grant) Braasch